Cobalt salt stimulates soaring cobalt price

Trend analysis


According to the data monitoring of the business association, cobalt Market stopped falling but rose this week, and cobalt market recovered. As of January 25, the price of cobalt was 311000.00 yuan / ton, up 0.76% from 308666.66 yuan / ton on January 17. Cobalt prices stopped falling and rebounded this week.


Cobalt salt price


Varieties / specifications ﹣ quotation market / region ﹣ quotation on January 25 ﹣ quotation on January 1 ﹣ rise and fall ﹣ unit

Battery grade cobalt sulfate (cobalt content ≥ 21%) Huayou cobalt Co., Ltd. $75000, 61000, 14000 / ton

Co3O4 (cobalt content 73% ± 0.3%) Huayou cobalt Co., Ltd. (?) 266000 218000 48000 yuan / ton

Cobalt oxide (≥ 72%) in Shanghai: 243500-253500-205000-215000 38500 yuan / ton

Cobalt sulfate (≥ 20.5%) made in China: 66000-69000 56000-59000 10000 yuan / ton

Cobalt chloride (≥ 24.2%) made in China: RMB 76000-80000; RMB 65500-69000; RMB 10750 / T

Co3O4 (≥ 72.8%) made in China: RMB 243000-260000, RMB 209000-217000, RMB 38500 / T

Cobalt carbonate (≥ 46%) made in China: 136000-146000 125000-135000 11000 yuan / ton

Lithium cobaltite (60%, 4.35v) made in China: RMB 250000-268000, RMB 222000-235000, RMB 30500 / T

From the price list of cobalt salt, it can be seen that the price of cobalt salt rose sharply in January, and the cobalt market rose, which was good for the cobalt market, and the rising power of cobalt price increased.


Market Overview


Bai Jiaxin, data analyst of business news agency, believes that the sharp rise of cobalt salt price in January has driven the cobalt market up. The price of cobalt rose sharply in January, and the recent rise of cobalt salt price slowed down, which weakened the positive stimulus to the cobalt market. The rising power of cobalt Market in the future still exists, but the rise of cobalt Market slowed down. Generally speaking, the cobalt market is good, but with the advent of the Spring Festival, the enthusiasm of cobalt market purchasing is weakened, and the rising power of cobalt market is weakened. Cobalt price is expected to rise slowly in the future.

Sulfamic acid